Sunday, April 15, 2018


I am blessed! Truly blessed!!! How many people can claim they have seen a saint in their lifetime? I have... on both of his visits to the Philippines! Karol Wojtyla then ensconced as Pope John Paul II came to the Philippines in his capacity as head of the Catholic Church first in February of 1981 to beatify San Lorenzo Ruiz; and second in January of 1995 for World Youth Day in Manila. 

At both occasions the pontiff stayed at the Papal Nuncio near the Quirino Avenue and Taft which is approximately 3 blocks away from my house. How lucky can I get? During both visits of the Pope, though security was tight, the faithful flock could get near the gate of the Apostolic Nunciature. Many stayed until the wee hours to get a glimpse of His Holiness. Perhaps knowing he had a huge crowd waiting outside, he would step out on the balcony to give his blessings. On one instance after bestowing his blessing, he told the crowd over the microphone... I blessed you now, go home... much to the delight of the Filipinos. Sometimes, they would serenade him with religious songs and he would stay a few minutes to listen to them sing praise songs and then bless them before retiring for the night or praying in the solace of his room.

People stood along pathways, road islands, curbs and whatever space was left to them just to get a picture of His Holiness or to watch him wave back from his pope mobile. They weren't disappointed. He had such a serene countenance and he always exuded an aura that indeed this man was God's representative on earth. Such was my recollection of Pope John Paul II prior to his canonization. He had such a profound influence on the Church and that wherever he went, he could group together leaders of different religions without any preference or prejudice. And so, it was not a big surprise that Pope Francis would declare him a saint on the 27th of April 2014. Even before that was accomplished, miracles were already being credited to the new saint.

With great anticipation, I attended Mass for the public veneration of St. John Paul II at the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros on the 7th of April, 2018 at nine in the morning. There was a considerable number of people already inside the church when I arrived so I had to improvise by staying directly outside of the dedicated area for media right by the altar on the left side. Where his portrait was prominently displayed. I didn't move away as I knew his relic was to be deposited at the dais that was beside his portrait.

Listening to your inner critic pays off when you know that the relic was to be ensconced at the elevated pedestal. The Mass was all about his contributions to the church. His biopic produced by CNN was to follow after the Eucharistic celebration. I managed to get close shots of the relic because I was at arm's length. Those who came a little later or were seated at the end of the knave had to contend with lining up to get to pray by the relic. That would have taken all day. Easily!

Since I already had the photos I needed and my prayers accomplished I stayed behind to watch the documentary produced by CNN on St Pope John Paul II. It moved me! Cures have been attributed to his intercession and knowing that, his influence grew ever more than when he was alive. Experts who studied the medical cases of  healing of two women could only report it in disbelief. Both would have been fatal. Both were completely healed.

There was a mass to follow at 12:15 and the long line towards the relic had to be moved to the sides so as not to disrupt the next celebration. I didn't have to wait around for another miracle to happen... 

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