Sunday, April 15, 2018


Boracay was closed to the public effective 26th of April, 2018. This was a long time coming... It really needs to be left alone for sometime in order for it to regenerate. Some operators and tourism insiders are now on the edge of their seats as to which island will be closed soon. Tourism has got the better of us. Yes, we're thinking if only we can draw tourists to visit our beautiful country... but at what price?

Other islands in Asia have followed our example. Thailand has closed off Maya Bay. California has also closed off Coronado Bay after sewage contaminated run off from Tijuana river brought in pollution. The top five countries currently polluting our oceans are: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. It's a pity really... we're on third spot even if we have some of the most magnificent beaches in the world. We also happen to be the center of the center of endemicity in the entire planet. The island of Luzon has been found to have the most number of mammals endemic to our country and are yet being discovered by researchers and scientists.

dance performance from Fo Guang Shan
We already know so much of these facts and yet, we continually ignore them and put our country at risk environmentally. We relegate the responsibility of caring for our country on the back burner. We aren't alone either. Humanity has to be mindful of the damages we cause on our planet. It doesn't have to be an all consuming task by one country. We can all work together on this.

Today, I visited the Arroceros Forest Park right  smack in the heart of Manila for the Earth Day Celebrations. What a fitting venue! Last year, the Dakila'ng Pamana ng Lahi and Advocates for Heritage Preservation were amongst other groups were in the park to protest the cutting down of trees in order to make way for a new Gymnasium to be built by the city government of Manila. Thankfully, the mayor listened and put a stop to the proposed plan.

Ms Bambi Lamoglia Harper, Mabelle Tenorio, the author, Dennis Dy Ko, Lino Atienza, Mye Atienza
I expressed interest in the gathering today, so I went to have a go-see and I was pleasantly surprised at the attendance. A lot of organizations joined the event to express their support in saving Mother Earth. The celebration started at 9 a.m. with a hodgepodge of activities from dance performances, pranic healing, yoga and meditation, vegetarian food sampling to chanting and singing odes to the forests and story-telling for kids. Some notable celebrities were there to show their love for nature and the planet.

Joem and Emy Emy Emerald
Members of Pamanlahi and Advocates for Heritage Preservation were there as well. It's a pity the celebration was not well publicized as it would have been interesting for millenials and families to spend a Sunday promoting love for nature and the planet. They would have learned a lot!

vegetarian pansit
The common notion is that in order to care for the planet, one has to live an ascetic lifestyle, free from preservatives, everything vegan, nothing goes to waste. It can be daunting for one who wants to start showing concern for the earth. You needn't go extreme! For starters, just adapt one practice and commit to it! I started by bringing my own recyclable water bottle everywhere I go. that prevents me from using those awful plastic cups. A friend gifted me with my own recyclable drinking straw... washable, reusable and kinder to the ocean. Then I discovered core-less toilet paper... start with small steps. You'll be surprised at how far you can go...

free healing session
I hope many other Filipinos pick up on these activities... the more responsible we are, the less likely we'll ruin our natural resources...

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