Wednesday, September 28, 2011

San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila - First Filipino Saint

     Today is the feast day of San Lorenzo Ruiz. 

     Very little is known of him. And yet we celebrate his distinction as the first Filipino Saint. San Lorenzo was   born in Binondo, Manila. His father was Chinese and his mother was a Filipina. Both were Christians. At his christening the boy was named after Lorenzo, a martyr and his surname Ruiz was taken from his godfather's last name.

     In his youth, he grew up in the chinese neighborhood serving as an altar boy in a convent run by Dominicans where he received his early education. His dexterity led him to become a professional calligrapher and transcriptionist. He was a member of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary for which the church of Binondo was known for. The church was dedicated to Nstra. Sra. del Rosario. While the street that led to the church was known as Calle Rosario (now Quintin Paredes).

     For some reason, Lorenzo was accused of a murder and a manhunt for him was conducted by the Spanish authorities. Because of this, he solicited the aid of the priests in rescuing him from the authorities. The religious suggested he join a religious mission to Japan. They landed in Okinawa on June 10, 1636 and though the missionaries intended to carry out their mission secretly, they were found out and immediately arrested and imprisoned.

     Most of the missionary group were tortured and forced to recant their catholic religion. Lorenzo refused to renounce his faith. He chose to remain a Christian and die a Christian than receive freedom from his captors. On September 27, 1637 Lorenzo and his companions were brought to the Mountain of Martyrs where they were hung upside down and on September 29, 1637 he died from bleeding and suffocation. his body was cremated and thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

     On February 18, 1981 Lorenzo was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Manila. On October 18, 1987 Blessed Lorenzo Ruiz was canonized by Pope John Paul II in Vatican City, Rome. Thus Lorenzo became known as San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila. Binondo Church, where he served as sacristan in his youth was elevated to Basilica Minore as a national shrine of the first Filipino Saint. Plaza Calderon de la Barca, the square fronting the church, was renamed Plaza San Lorenzo Ruiz.

     San Lorenzo serves as an inspiration to all of us. His faith in God and his strength of conviction makes us curious of how far we can go to defend our own religious belief.

1 comment:

  1. Studying in a catholic school, i grew up learning about San Lorenzo Ruiz and his life as a devoted christian and martyr. Being the first Filipino saint has given him much recognition and following from all christian faithfuls in the country. But on the other side we christians should be aware of other Filipino christian martyrs like Mother Ignacia Del Espiritu Santo.
