Thursday, September 29, 2011

Feast of the Archangels

     September 29th is the Feast day of the Archangels. Traditionally, angels are heavenly creatures which intervene in human events as messengers of God. They act as go-between in the lives of ordinary humans and saints who have been chosen by God to carry out the Divine Plan of Salvation.

     There are seven Archangels. Each one is represented for each day of the week: Gabriel ( Monday), Raphael (Tuesday), Uriel (Wednesday), Seltiel (Thursday), Judiel (Friday), Barachiel (Saturday), and Michael (Sunday). The most prominent archangels are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. These three angels have been mentioned in three different sections in the Bible.

     St. Michael is the eldest of the Archangels. His name literally means "like unto God". He is better known as the Prince of the Heavenly Hosta. It was St. Michael that led Daniel out of the lion's den. And in the book of Revelations, it is pointed out tha It is Michael who leads the heavenly forces in the Armageddon that will defeat the forces of Hell. He is therefore, illustrated as wearing a full metal armor and wielding a sword while he is subduing the devil. He is also known to have told the Virgin Mary of her impending death. In modern times, Michael is the champion of policemen. He is supposed to protect against evil-doers, criminals, protect against lightning, aid in (of all things) finding parking spaces and taxi cabs.

     Angel Gabriel is the Messenger of God. It is normally ascribed to Gabriel the announcement of special events that unfold as highlights of the plan of man's redemption. It was Gabriel who appeared to Mary and informed her that she was included in God's plan. Thus the prayer to Mary is recited by Catholics worldwide when Angel Gabriel appears to her and greets her with the now famous line: "Hail Mary, full of grace!" It was also Gabriel who announced to Zechariah the birth of John the Baptist. Zechariah was filled with fear and doubt and as a sign, Gabriel temporarily turned Zechariah mute until he announced that his long awaited child would be named John. Angel Gabriel is patron of the media and announcers. Ironically, he is also known as the Angel of Death and Destruction.

     St. Raphael is the "Medicine of God". in some of his images, he is illustrated as having a child in hand, his right hand holds a fishing tackle and fish in line. Raphael is mentioned in the book of Tobit. In it he is sent to guide the young Tobias on his series of adventures. In modern times he is the patron saint of healers; i.e. anyone in the medical arts. It is said that one only need invoke St Raphael's name in healing aching body parts and immediately St. Raphael's green energy will soothe the pain. In modern times, Raphael is the patron saint for those seeking relief from physical pain as well as travellers. Protection for air travel and airplanes is his area of expertise.  For some reason, he is also the angel to run to when one needs to collect payment for debts.

     In ancient angelology, Jews, Christians and even Muslims have believed in the power of these heavenly beings and which have bee traslated into modern needs for modern times. As for me, I still carry on the tradition of praying to my guardian angel when I wake up in the morning and before retiring at night. Angels are supposedly ever present in assisting in the travails of human life except when the hour of a person's passing is at hand.

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