Thursday, September 8, 2022



I received a message on my Messenger from friend and Advocates for Heritage Preservation founder Tito Encarnacion about a possible radio talkshow interview on 97.9 Home Radio. I thought nothing of it at first but I did broach the idea with a chat group I'm in. We were ok with the idea but we were wondering what would come out of the invite. We said "yes" but not all of us were available. So three of us were amenable to do the talk show.

I would get intermittent messages from Tito requesting for some requirements: 30 guide questions re. Tour guiding, half body photos for an art card promoting the show, our short bio for an intro. All of which we would provide at different points in time.

Eventually, Patrick June came up with a partial set of questions and Home Radio gave us an updated set which completed the 30 questions they had originally asked for.

After a few weeks we received a study of the art card meant to announce our guesting on the show A Place We Call Home. It was hosted by DJ Braggy and it was the station's way of revitalizing the country's efforts at boosting the tourism industry.

Everything was more or less set for a September 7 interview. We really didn't think much of it. But after a few days, the art card came out. Great! We were all satisfied and gave it our approval.

Finally, the day of the talk show arrives. The night prior, I made arrangements to pick up
Dhanggit Labignette in a cab. Guess what? I left the house at 8:30 a.m. but had no luck at hailing a cab. I have already been waiting for thirty minutes and still no such luck!! I frantically called Dhang to go ahead to the radio station on her own and I would just follow. After my call, I did get a cab and was about to pass for her but she was already on her way. The pressure!!! I had to be at the station by 9:30 a.m. for a briefing so I was praying for smooth traffic while sitting in the cab. Thankfully, I got to Home Radio in Shaw Boulevard, Ortigas at the appointed time. While waiting for the elevators I met the VP for Sales and Marketing Marvin Nisperos Estigoy who graciously escorted me to their offices. I was finally in the conference room exchanging pleasantries with sirs Marvin, Tito and DJ Braggy along with Dhang and Patrick.

A few minutes before ten, we were ushered into the DJ booth. The start was a little shaky with us having to introduce ourselves but we eventually settled down and got into the rhythm of the conversation. It became more animated as we went along. With peals of laughter puncturing the radio airwaves. Before we even knew it, an hour had nearly passed. What? We've only begun! Prompting DJ Braggy to comment we needed a part two for this show. We posed for our obligatory photos for posterity. I mean, how often do we do a talk show? Then as we bid our leave, we were told DJ Braggy's birthday was on the 15th. We rushed back to his office to sing him a birthday/Christmas carol song. We tackled 5 flights of stairs as the elevators were taking too long. We ended up in Via Mare having an early lunch before dispersing and finally heading home.

Thank you Dhanggit Labignette, Patrick June , Marvin Estigoy, Tito Encarnacion and DJ Braggy. The show brought back memories of my college days at Ateneo learning the rudiments of radio production with my professor Puri Navarrete. I wonder where she is now...

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