Tuesday, July 9, 2019


The Advocates for Heritage Preservation members have suffered a great loss in the person of Martin Imperial Tinio. His passing comes as a sudden blow just when the newly-elected Mayor of Manila has initiated great strides in recapturing Manila's past glory.

Sonny Tinio, to those who do not know him and may have not had the pleasure of making his acquaintance, was a well-spring of knowledge as far as history is concerned. He was a respected authority on heritage in its many forms and permutations and an engaging author and expert on heritage homes and landmarks and monuments.

Enjoying a hot cup of Arroz Caldo in Bu;acan

Born to a life of pedigree and privilege, his commentaries are peppered with knowledge that comes from a background of personal experience as well as years of living the life of the upper crust. He can look unassuming in his simplicity but details in his person will make you look twice. It's in the nitty gritty where he snatches your second glances... a silver ring will serve as a kerchief slide... a walking cane will have a huge globe of tiger's eye as a finial... silver filigree adorns his velveteen alfombra slippers where the ordinary folk only have embroidery... nothing but nothing slips his discerning eye for detail.

Always a favorite guest speaker and subject matter expert in fora and discussions, listeners wait with baited breath for his irreverent but relevant opinions. He is usually forgiven because his observations, more often than not, are correct! There is always something new to learn from the man. And this is why people attend his numerous lectures and book signing. 

Sr. Tinio signing a copy of his coffee table book Ancestral Houses

He is an indispensable resource person as far as the Intramuros Administration and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts are concerned. He has acted as consultant, curator, of many a museum. He is a popular author of coffee table books on architecture, design and art and culture. He is a gourmand and an epicure -an avowed foodie with a discerning palate. His Facebook  posts of food is a great testament to this fact. His tongue in cheek attitude to art criticism is often gleaned from his displeasure at not finding a historical marker to a much touted heritage structure..."Wala'ng marker?... wala'ng kwenta!" after which guffaws and peals of laughter can be heard from his companions.

We'll miss you, Senor!

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