Monday, May 1, 2017


I have been fortunate that I was given the opportunity to be a part of the thirtieth ASEAN summit held here in Manila from the 27th-30th of April, 2017.  I was tapped by Rajah Travel to guide for the Spouses' Program of the ASEAN Ministers. Originally, all the wives of the attending representatives were meant to spend a day in Tagaytay. However, it is normal to expect changes in big events such as ASEAN. Also, I am sworn to secrecy regarding official details... government stuff, you know...

Prior to the tour, I was issued a special ID that allowed me access into the Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex. The CCP was the official site of the proceedings and the security detailing was nothing short of a fortress. No one was allowed to meander into the area. All public and private vehicles were denied entry unless they were official participants of the summit. Approximately a two mile radius was on official lock-down. After I received my 

On the 28th, I was ready at the entry point by half past six in the morning for an early trip to Tagaytay. I was picked up by the ASEAN National Organizing Committee and brought to the Sofitel Lobby to meet the guests. Accompanying the Spouses were the wife of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs Madam Manalo and the wife of Executive Secretary Mrs. Medialdea. By the time the coaster left it was just a little past eight thirty in the morning.

We did get to The Orlina Museum at the appointed time and two lovely ladies in Maria Clara costumes greeted the party composed of some of the wives and the organizers, plus the security detail. There was another coaster with the medical team provided by the Department of Health, the Philippine National Police, the Marines, representatives from the Department of Foreign Affairs and two helicopters deployed for added security. 

Mr. Ramon Orlina was the perfect host. He entertained the Ladies with his stories of his humble beginnings. The first level of his museum had a special exhibit of Isabelo Tampinco works. Part of the Tampinco collection on display were on loan from private collectors. We trailed closely behind as Mr. Orlina ushered the guests  to the upper floors. The conversation went from light banter to animated repartee... the ladies were enthralled with Mr. Orlina's collection of jewelry displayed in a glass showcase. One even asked if they could buy commissioned jewelry from the prolific artist .

As we reached the roofdeck, it was time to leave for lunch. Mr. Orlina had been invited to lunch at Antonio's. Mr. Orlina was his usual jovial self and as we reached the driveway of the fine-dining restaurant, Chef Antonio Escalante was on hand with some of his staff to welcome the guests. Lunch was superb, as usual. Everywhere they went,cameras and media were ever present. The obligatory photo ops just never stop. However, due to my training, selfies and photos were never encouraged.  I have none of my own to show for the prestige of the tour. We managed our way back to Manila at four p.m. on the dot. That gave the ladies time to rest and get ready in time for the state dinner that very evening.

In order to get out of the area, I had to ride a van to the Philippine International Convention Center, only to find out that Aung San Su Kyi of Myanmar had just arrived and proceeded to the site even if she didn't have an official function to attend yet.Too bad, I had to be ferried back to the entry point near Macapagal Avenue so I could head home.

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