Friday, January 1, 2016


the APEC guides with Ms Beth of DFA
It was a distinct privilege to have served the country in the much ballyhooed Asia Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) that culminated on the 19th of November 2015.

Group briefing at Plaza Armas

A group of accredited tour guides from various groups were tapped by the Department of Tourism in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs to guide for the delegates from different countries. 

Guiding for  staff ofthe different economie

In preparation for the main conference, dry-runs were conducted prior to APEC week. The organizing committee wanted to make sure that everything runs smoothly on the week of the main event. Eventually, the itinerary was tweaked to ease out the kinks after the dry-runs were completed. Sites were added, deleted or changed depending on the requirements met to impress the delegates and the First Ladies accompanying their husbands.

Yael and myself at the fort
Contrary to popular belief, those involved in the side events were not ccorded special privileges. Yes, we had to brave the same kind of traffic jams most Filipinos experienced prior to and on the week of. As a matter of fact, from a meeting at Marriott hotel at 4 p.m., I reached my home at 12 midnight. On another occasion, after having guided the Russian ambassador, Prime Minister and Trade Minister from Antonio's in Tagaytay, I had to walk from the City of Dreams all to way to Evangelista Street in Makati City before i was able to hail a cab to get home... and be ready for a 7 a.m. call the next day.

Antonio's  dining hall

The high point of the guided tours was a Luncheon for the First Ladies hosted by the presidential sisters: Balsy, Pinky, Viel and Kris. A mini presentation of native dances in a wedding setting was held at the Plaza Armas in Fort Santiago. A photo op of the First Ladies was held for media as well.

Wedding tableau at Plaza Armas
After that, the entourage was led to waiting tranvias and brought to San Agustin church for a mini concerto of musica sacra and then to Casa Manila for vignettes of Philippine lifestyle. Then they were ushered to the Ayuntamiento for a special menu of Filipino food.

Ayuntamiento Marble Hall with advance parties of different economies
As a gesture of thanks, we were treated to a luncheon at Nine Spoons at the Bayleaf Hotel by the DOT committee for a job well done!

The Guides with DOT officials

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