Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Knowing Your Body

There's an old familiar adage that "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." If there's one thing I learned in my 53 years of existence on this planet, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY!

So when I do my yearly re-accreditation as a Mabuhay Guide, I undergo a physical exam just to be sure I can still get tasks done and still be gainfully employed while I work towards enjoying my golden years. In an age when everything is within easy reach or with just the push of a button, it seems making life easier has also made it less healthy.

In my own little way, I'd like to share information that can help my readers in understanding certain body functions, blast a few myths about fitness and maybe get you thinking about getting to know ( and loving) your body more.

KNOW YOUR SOMATOTYPE! Now before you reach for your thesaurus, it just simply means body type. Go to a private spot and undress in front of a mirror. There are three basic somatotypes as seen in the photo below:

Ectomorph - which is my body type. The ectomorph is characterized by a long and lean body. This body type is your usual slim, svelte guy or girlfriend who never seems to gain any weight no matter how much food they eat. Body fat is almost nil and the tendency to get fat is almost an impossibility (depending on age and metabolic rate).
Mesomorph - this is the body type I've been longing to have for myself even if I know I'm never gonna get it.  This type is characterized by heavy-set bone structure. This is the ideal body type for body builders. The mesomorph is the guy in the gym who's not into endless amounts of supplements, doesn't do humongous amounts of weightlifting nor endless crunches to achieve that bulky ripped musculature that men envy and women swoon over. 
Endomorph - this is the biggest of the body types. This body type is heavy-set and fleshy as well. If unchecked, this type has the tendency to go both ways: either they start looking like the Hulk when they do weight training or they become obese when they let go.

KEEP ACTIVE! Now that you know your body type get into an activity that you enjoy and that you will stick to for the rest of your life. Not all activity will guarantee that you'll end up in the shape that you want. There are exercises that bulk you up and others that slim you down:
Cardio - These exercises are fast paced and routinary. I know! Get your ipod charged. The silhouettes below indicate some of the types of cardiovascular activities which will help you burn calories and get rid of fat. These are exercises that are designed to get your heart rate up and sustained over a period of time or over distance.

Resistance - These are exercises that are meant to build up or at least tone muscles through any form of resistance either through weight training or through bands. The images below show the movement using elastic bands. These can be done using light weights depending on how much one can hoist. These are done in a controlled environment like a fitness gym or a studio or even a room in your house provided you're willing to invest in some equipment.

LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! You're body is a self-functioning, self-repairing machine. Granted no one is perfect! But your body will tell you what you need provided you listen to it. If you have a wound, the body will repair itself... ergo, your scars. When you're thirsty your lips turn dry and chapped (an indication that you're actually already dehydrated) then you have to drink. When you're hungry you experience the pangs and then you compensate for it by over-eating. When you miss meals, your body begins to think you're starving yourself and it goes into survival mode. It will try to hold on to as much fat as it can to maintain its regular functions. Remember, extra calories are converted into fat and burned when you need it.

In the same manner, your brain actually takes twenty minutes to tell you that you are full. So don't wait for that feeling of being full (by then you have already over-eaten). So my advice would be: Don't miss meals and hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

DO MEASURE YOUR ASSETS - when you're weighing yourself everyday to find out if you're gaining or losing weight, stop! Your weight is dependent on a lot of factors: food intake, water retention, fat to muscle ratio, etc., etc.' etc... You know when you've gained weight... and you can tell... when your shirts get tighter, your pants are harder to zip and button up and nothing seems to fit! It means you gained a full size up. 

An athlete and couch potato can have the same weight at say, 150 lbs. However, their bodies use calories differently. The more muscles one has, the higher the metabolic rate. Ergo, the athlete burns more calories even while at rest by virtue of the amount of muscles he has packed on. That's optimizing your calories. The fat guy stores the calories as fat... to be burned and used up later when he decides he wants to leave the couch he's laying on and lift something heavier than the TV's remote control.

NEVER TOO LATE! If you've resolved to keep fit at a young age you have a lifetime of strength and stamina to live on. Congratulations! Although genetics dictates how well your health goes and how long you'll live, a fitness lifestyle gives you an edge on the quality of life you will live. Everyone grows old and eventually passes on... true. However, it doesn't mean you're doomed if you've stumbled into a fitness lifestyle in your late 20's -early 40'2. Any age is a good time to start exercising... I started when I was dancing in my teens (back then I was 120-130 lbs)...

I'm 53 now... I'm 5'10" at 147 pounds. Blood sugar count at 108. Blood pressure is 120/90. I'm working on reducing my fat ratio to a lean 10%. I'm not perfect but I'm as fit as I'll ever be... =)

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