Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tierra de Maria

Right along the ridge of Tagaytay is a house that's dedicated to the adoration of the  Blessed Virgin Mary. If you're driving towards Tagaytay along the Sta. Rosa route, all you have to do is make a left turn at the ridge that leads to Development Academy of the Philippines and the Picnic Grove. You can't miss the 50-foot image of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the right side of the highway.

Tierra de Maria is a solemn place for quiet reflection. The gates are opened at eight in the morning and closes at six in the evening. The giant image welcomes visitors with open arms. Beneath it is a gurgling fountain that calls to mind the changing of water into wine at the celebrated Wedding Feast at Canaah when the Blessed Mother requests Jesus for a miracle despite the fact that it was not time for Him to manifest his power. Yet Jesus performs the miracle regardless because of His mother's request.

Along the driveway are four arches, each one with paintings of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. The gift shop is right across the arches. The gift shop sells religious articles for those who wish to bring home mementos of his/her spiritual visit to the place.

Devotional music is constantly aired in the main contemplation area. The huge crucifix back-lit with blue rope lights dominates the room. Beside it is the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A basket hangs by the doorway and visitors are encouraged to receive the Word of God.  I was a bit surprised when I read the verse: "Should you pass through the sea, I will be with you; or through the rivers, they will not swallow you up. Should you walk through fire, you will not be scorched and the flames will not burn you." (Isaiah 43:2)

On a partially hidden alcove is the forgiveness cross. Alongside that area are the different images of the Blessed Virgin in her many manifestations. Touching the image of the Virgin of Manaoag was an uplifting experience as well. After that, I went up to the third level to enjoy the view of the adjacent gardens and touched the hand of the 50-foot statue. I left feeling complete and at peace knowing that I'm watched over...

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