Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mr. Rockefeller... Hellleerrr!

A few days after New Year, Sarita invited the fab four out to lunch. We were to meet at Mr. Rockefeller on the second floor of Greenbelt 3. She was already there when we arrived, seated at the corner of one of the banquettes. After the customary greetings we started to launch into conversation... what else is new? Not even 2012 could change that.

I think we were already having too much fun talking the waiter started to inquire politely if we were ready to order... Heavens, this was just too much fun! So, immediately we decided to look at the menu. I wasn't with the fab four the last time they dined there so I looked and inspected the menu with a lot of  inquiries.

I couldn't decide so I ordered a Coke and then left the rest of the courses to  my friends.

It was up to them to decide what we were having for lunch. I wasn't with them the last time they dined there so everything that was to come was some sort of a surprise for me. In between cigarette breaks for the three of them the platters started arriving while I was alone at the table so I was able to take photos of all that food.

For starters we were served oysters three ways: cheese and garlic, oysters Rockefeller and...tadaaahh... fresh! Unfortunately, I had left my camera behind so I had to contend with my mobile phone's camera which doesn't do the food much justice. Note to self...always bring camera!!!!

We then had green salad with bits of tuna, shrimp and squid. The salad was quite light with crunchy lettuce leaves and drizzled with a citrus dressing that was a perfect foil for the seafood. The dressing cuts the salinity as well as the fishy taste.

To depart a bit from the lot of seafood we were about to eat, Sarita decided to go turf by ordering a steak cooked medium rare. the huge slab of meat came with a siding of mashed potatoes, buttered veggies and some thick gravy. As Rachel Ray would say... "Yumm-o!" Each of us decided we should have a quarter of the meat so we had the waiter bring it back to the kitchen to have the inch-thick prime cut of beef sliced into four.

I wanted some rice. The seafood kebab had plenty of it as sidings. First, the skewers had quartered onions, shrimp, cubes of  tuna, marlin and grilled to perfection. The rice came in the form of a risotto which had some saffron in it... sort of a cross over of a paella.

Prawns cooked in crab fat came in as another savory dish. The pasta was al dente and swimming in a medley of huge prawns cooked and sauteed in plenty of garlic and salty crab fat... more popularly known in Tagalog as "aligue".

You would think by this time all of us had had enough... there was this warm dish of baked white fish that was heavily crusted with thick white sauce and salty parmessan cheese which had just the right crunch. I think the fillet of fish was a cream dory that had been steamed and baked in the sauce until all the cheese had ,melted and re-hardened.

We had relished every morsel... So we walked over to Cafe Breton for some coffee... and more talk!!!

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