Friday, October 14, 2011

Update! Update!

I was browsing at my previous blog sites the other day and I realized I had done a lot of writing over the past two years...

Alright, I wasn't consistently writing everyday but I had already made quite a hefty number of entries on my blogs. What to do with them? I learned the fine art of importing my blog to this current blog site! It's the practical thing to do, really...

I'm hoping those who view this site will end up reading some, if not all of my older entries. I have written about a lot of topics. Some of them contained personal opinions which some readers have reacted to. I can't promise to always be nice about the comments... after all... this is MY blog!

Some have reacted to my photos... well... not all of them are picture perfect. It really depends on my mood and physical state on the day I took the photos. There are days when I just couldn't keep my hands still, ergo the jerking motions. Sometimes, they come out worthy of being published in a magazine. I promise to take more photos and publish them online. 

I don't know if it's a bad habit to take photos of the food that I get served in restaurants that my friends and I visit. It's becoming more of a regular thing nowadays. I'm afraid of annoying my friends when they have the hunger pangs to literally dive into the food and I go, "Wait!!! Let me take a picture first!!!" I get dagger looks when I do that. But then, if it's really good then it's blog-worthy, right?

I just hope my next entries will still reflect my personality. Now, you may or may not like my opinion on stuff. Feel free to react. But I urge you to keep an open mind and while you're at it... be nice!

Well, enjoy reading!!!!

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