Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Miercoles de Ceniza

Today is officially the start of the Lenten Season in the Philippines.

I woke up really early to attend Mass and have my forehead marked with the traditional sign of the cross out of soot from the burned Palm fronds from last year.

Symbolically we accept the fact that we are human and that we eventually return to dust. For forty days, we commemorate Christ's suffering and we try to emulate his sacrifice to the best of our ability by fasting and penance.

In the provinces, there are more stringent practices. Penitensiya is tantamount to self-flagellation and carrying of wooden crosses. The reading of Pabasa, the recounting of Christ's passion in song is also customary. Monggo beans and Galunggong is the usual viand for meals. Abstinence rules!

In my childhood, me and my cousins dreaded Holy Week. My strict grandmother would not allow us out of the house. No playing, no singing, no unnecessary noise... NOTHING!!! We'd go around the house with sullen faces. Rosary and Mass were compulsory. All the santos in the church were covered in purple cloth. All you could hear on the radio was static. TV stations were closed for the week. All malls are closed.

Now that's penitensiya!

Needless to say, times have indeed changed. Now just about the time Holy Week comes along I never go out of town anymore. The beaches are full! Boracay is over-crowded. So are Batangas, Puerto Gallera, Pagudpud, Palawan, CamSur, Davao, Mactan.

Resorts are booked weeks in advance. No sense trying your luck as a chance passenger in any airline. Swimsuits are all sold out. Sunblock is a premium. Everybody who's anybody who wants to be seen will be all decked out in designer resort wear. doing the beach scene.

Not to be out done, all sorts of coonsumer products cash in on the yearly exodus from Manila. Sodas, Energy drinks, beer, sunblock, facial wash, whitening lotion - you name it! Their banners and tarps keep fluttering in the beach.

If you ask me, Holy Week is the perfect time to be in Manila. Everything's quiet. There's no traffic. Malls are still open. And you can enjoy your own perfect spot on Roxas Boulevard while waiting for Manila's famed sunset.

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